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Styling on the runway : Upcycling project by SIA

Aims to challenge students using an array of materials provided by Singapore International Airlines in-flight service items to turn into a modern 2 piece avant garde look fit for the runway. Challenge is to utilise minimal waste techniques.

My concept was the torture and pain one feels before reaching the goal at the end. Hence, the torture is represented by thorns and the goal would be the rose at the top. Being inspired by the sharpness of thorns, I went for barbed wire within my designs to express the torture and pain one feels. Thus, within the look, there are wires coiled and wrapped at the side of the pants and the wires around the top to represent being choked and feeling trapped and tortures. red beads are also hanging to represent blood.

the flowers at the bottom of the hem are made from the leftover fabrics and materials when cutting fabrics for the other parts.

I decided not to dye too much as I wanted to leave it mostly raw and could be clearly seen that I used SIA materials. Thus, going for more of a creative look rather than cohesive, clean look.

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